Sante Fe Elementary awarded Sprouts Foundation Garden to foster healthy nutrition for kids | Business & Energy

The Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation announced today that it is awarding Santa Fe Elementary School a new refreshed learning garden as a part of the “24 garden in 24 hours in 24 communities” contest that was launched in April to celebrate Earth Month.

Santa Fe Elementary School is one of 24 schools across the U.S. that were awarded. Sprouts is committed to provide children with hands on educational experiences that shape how they think about food. The program makes connections that will play a pivotal role in how a child develops healthy eating habits.

Teachers who are in the space are given support for their work there and also will get training. This year alone Sprouts will help 3 million children across the U.S.

Garden Giveaway Winners Receive:

  • $500,000 total investment across the 24 schools
  • $15,000 – $20,000 garden construction grant awarded directly to the selected school to build a new learning garden or refresh an existing garden space on campus.
  • $5,000 program grant to support nutrition education lessons in the garden.
  • The Sprouts Healthy Communities Foundation will partner with each winning school to coordinate a volunteer workday for the garden build or garden refresh on Saturday, September 23, 2023.  
  • Ongoing professional development and 1:1 support to sustain their learning garden program.

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