New Privacy Law Gives Parents Rights To Sue YouTube For Tracking Their Kids / Digital Information World

The FTC was recently seen speaking about how the popular video-sharing app of YouTube could be sued by parents over claims of tracking their kids. And that’s against the law in states like California.

Speaking on the matter during a recent appeals court meeting, the FTC says the Congress is not solely focusing on this matter but they know very well that protecting the country’s kids is one of the top priorities so all measures must be taken to ensure they remained guarded online.

This particular case goes back to the year 2019 when we saw one parent suing the popular company for showing zero care or consideration for youngsters. She claimed that the case was for her young child and before we knew it, a lot of similar cases were seen coming forward from other parents too.

This led to tech giant Google settling for a lawsuit worth $170 million on how it did indeed correct data of young ones that were below the age of 13 through the likes of cookies. So as you can imagine, such behavior was slammed as very offensive and went against the right code of conduct in the state of California.

Google kept on mentioning how all private cases regarding children’s privacy should be dismissed as per the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. This particular law prevents website operators from taking any data of kids that are so young without them giving consent on the matter.

Therefore, we soon saw one trial judge throw out this lawsuit but then soon, another panel comprising of three judges felt it needed to be reinstated. The case kept on being juggled from one place to the next and finally, we’re hearing the FTC speak about how Google’s YouTube would face legal prosecution by parents if and when they feel their kids were tracked.

The matter is obviously controversial and not very clear-cut at all. Several things are being looked at in more detail including firms treating minors differently than adults and so on and so forth.

There are all sorts of opinions on this front and how the state law has arisen on this dispute and how some more restrictions regarding web firms treating data belonging to minors would now be dealt with.

Nothing is straightforward but the Federal Law and State Laws are both being taken into consideration with the main goal to protect younger audiences at all costs and prevent their tracking by leading tech giants of today.

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