A Parenting Must-Have for California’s Newborn Falls Awareness Week

The RooLoop is the ultimate maternity belly support band, designed to practice safe skin-to-skin contact.

The RooLoop is the ultimate maternity belly support band, designed to practice safe skin-to-skin contact.

Baby safety has always been the number one priority across all joovy products, says President and CEO of joovy, Rob Gardner.

The patented design of joovy’s RooLoop Newborn Safety Band is clinically proven to reduce the risk of infant falls in the home during breastfeeding or skin-to-skin sessions.

Leading juvenile products brand joovy is announcing its support of California’s second annual Newborn Falls Awareness Week in September. In doing so, it points pregnant and postpartum parents towards its NICU-tested RooLoop Newborn Safety Band for increased newborn safety during skin-to-skin and breastfeeding.

One of the Newborn Must-Haves For PostPartum Parents

In partnership with the exclusive skin-to-skin product of La Leche League International, the technology behind the RooLoop Newborn Safety Band is used in hospitals, operating rooms for c-sections, and NICUs worldwide. The patented support band is now the go-to for new parents who want to take advantage of the health benefits of skin-to-skin contact but with added security for the baby.

“Baby safety has always been the number one priority across all joovy products,” says Rob Gardner, President and CEO of joovy. “It is a natural evolution of our brand to incorporate the RooLoop Newborn Safety Band. A product that makes it easier, safer, and more comfortable for baby and caregiver to enjoy the emotional and physical benefits of skin-to-skin contact.”

“Given our 15-year history as the brand that has parents’ backs, we’re very proud to be supporting and raising the profile of the inaugural California Newborn Falls Awareness Week. Every injury prevented and tiny life saved is a resounding success for this campaign.”

Manufactured in partnership with the clinically-endorsed Joeyband™, the RooLoop Newborn Safety Band is designed specifically with domestic use by postpartum parents in mind. Its soft, stretchy elastic holds newborn babies close in safe skin-to-skin positions and provides an unparalleled mimicking of the womb for ultimate comfort and to help prevent falls.”

Newborn Falls: An Underreported, Growing Problem.

Between 600 to 1,600 newborn falls occur in hospitals across the US each year, according to a 2010 Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety. These numbers relate only to in-hospital incidents and don’t reflect the vast number of baby drops that also occur in the domestic setting once parents have returned home with their newborn baby.

Most concerning is a rapid growth in the incidence of newborn falls, with in-hospital drops and falls increasing by 600% over the last decade as more mothers are encouraged to try breastfeeding and practice skin-to-skin with their babies.

California Newborn Falls Awareness Week

To address the growing incidence of newborn fall-related injuries and regulate a non-standardized reporting system, the state of California has announced the third week of September will be Newborn Falls Awareness Week.

The bill, SR 48, authored by Senator Monique Limon, champions support for caregivers and parents to reduce the likelihood of baby drops resulting from postpartum fatigue or exhaustion. It also introduces measures for hospitals to use as a standardized risk assessment for newborn falls and drops and encourages accurate tracking for ongoing monitoring.

joovy’s Tips For Preventing Newborn Falls

Practice Safe Skin-to-Skin Positions

A half-sitting, half-lying down position allows caregivers to relax with their baby while always being able to see their face. The semi-recumbent posture helps keep the baby laying securely on the caregiver’s torso and ensures the tiny airways remain clear and unobstructed.

Use A Newborn Support Product To Secure Baby In Place

A skin-to-skin product like the joovy RooLoop Newborn Safety Band keeps the baby safe from slips or falls while providing the comforting close feel of the womb.

From stimulating milk production when breastfeeding to regulating a baby’s heartbeat and boosting infant oxygen saturation, skin-to-skin contact after birth and in the early postpartum period has proven to have extensive benefits for both parent or caregiver and newborn.

Get Some Rest

Easier said than done with a newborn baby, but ensuring mothers get the rest they need to recover from birth is an important way to reduce newborn drops. Caregivers feeling particularly fatigued should avoid falling asleep with their newborn on their chest and instead transfer them to a crib or bassinet before dozing off.

Consider Extra Help After Cesarean (If Possible)

The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing reports that infants are at higher risk of falling when left with mothers on medication or recovering from anesthesia. Add to this the [risk of falls or drops increasing in the few days after a cesarean birth, post-surgical mothers should consider calling in extra help (if possible) as their bodies recover from the trauma.

Unintentional falls are one of the leading causes of injury-related hospitalizations of young babies. Even the youngest immobile infant should always be left under the direct supervision of a parent or caregiver. Where that is not possible, for example, overnight or should the caregiver need to step away for a moment, the baby should be left in a safe space. A secure crib, playpen, or bassinet is ideal.

About joovy

Founded in 2005, joovy is a global leader in premium juvenile, toy, and sporting goods products for babies through young children. The company has grown by listening to parents. Positivity is contagious. joovy believes we should be good to the world, the environment, and each other.

The RooLoop Newborn Safety Band Newborn Safety Band, produced in partnership with the JoeyBand™ is designed for use with babies up to 12 months old and is the exclusive skin-to-skin product for the la Leche League. To learn more about joovy, please visit http://www.joovy.com.

About the California Newborn Falls Awareness Week

Scheduled annually for the third week in September, the California Newborn Falls Awareness Week aims to reduce infant injury through unintentional falls and drops, both in hospital settings and in the home. It coincides with the Juvenile Products Manufacturer Association’s (JPMA) Baby Safety Month, founded in 1983, to remind parents and retailers of the safe use and selection of baby products and to practice in-home safety.

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